In the special, Mickey Mouse and his pals meet new friend Funny, an enchanted talking playhouse, who transports the gang to the Kingdom of Majestica, where they encounter Farfus, a dragon who's been causing trouble in a village. *Harvey Guillén ("What We Do in the Shadows") voices Funny the Funhouse.

Extra Goodies

On top of having a screening of this all new episode, our friends @DisneyBrandTVPR spoiled us with a gingerbread house with all the goodies to decorate it with, cotton candy and an all new toy from Just Play Products , who has a whole new collection launching in stores in August. Thank you Kristin Cruz, Disney Brand TVPR and @disneyproducts for such a fun and exciting opportunity and all the awesome goodies.

Remember, set your calendars for The primetime special “Mickey the Brave!" on Friday July 16 on Disney Junior (7:30 p.m. EDT/PDT) .The series premieres Friday, August 20, on both Disney Channel and Disney Junior (8:00 a.m. EDT/PDT). #MickeyMouseFunhouse

#DisneyJunior #justplayallday

How excited are you and the kiddos to watch this? Let me know in the comments, If you enjoyed this sneak peek give this post a like, or share it with your friends.

Talk to you later!


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