Hi friends,
So here it is, my first blog post. I have been wanting to do this since February but kept putting it off. Mainly because I was insecure about it all. I kept telling myself, "I'm not a writer, who's going to even want to read this. Plus my grammar is horrible" lol. Well you know what, i'm not a writer but I enjoy it! I first started by turning my instagram page into a personal blog, that alone felt like a huge deal.
When this month started I told myself I would have this blog done and posted before the month ended, so YAY to me for meeting my goal.
Since turning my instagram into a personal blog I have met so many wonderful and supportive ladies. Its incredible how people who I have just met on the internet have turned into some of my biggest cheerleaders... you know who you are. I have also sought out so many new places to visit with my little family and have had so many suggest some of the awesome new places we have had the chance to visit. Im a creature of habit but this has definitely started to change that. Win win if you ask me.
If you have ever thought about starting a blog, I say go for it. Get out of your own head and stop telling yourself why you shouldn't or can't do it or worrying about what others will think. You don't have to be an expert, you can learn as you go. There is so much information available to get you started by simply googling how to start blogging. Read a couple of articles and pick and choose what will work for you. I'm definitely still learning and have a lot of room for improvement, but thats the beauty and excitement of it all. We all have something to learn and there's always room for improvement regardless of what we're doing. The key is getting started.
So yes, you might see lots of misspelling and punctuation mistakes, but know that i'm having a great time getting started so that has to count for something right?!?!
Talk to you later